Posted on August 29, 2016

The Paper Shower Revolution

Written By Body Wipe Company Tags: body wash wipes , cleansing towelettes , Paper Shower

FullSizeRender 10 copy The real pioneers of The Paper Shower Revolution were the young mothers during the early nineties. It was during this time that “baby wipes” hit store shelves for the very first time. Moms across the country found them to be a vast improvement over the “on the spot” wet towels they would create to clean up Junior’s bottom. During the twenty first century, we became a multi-tasking, always on-the-go society. With this lifestyle change, the “baby wipe” evolved into the “wet wipe” because the masses discovered the versatility of these small wet towels beyond just using them on their kids. As people became accustom to using “wet wipes”, soon they were not just for just their hands any more, but to clean their arms, legs and face as well. With this expansion of product usage, the “wet wipe” had to become a “body wipe”. This new “body wash wipe” needed to have a larger, more durable towel that was low in alcohol, highly saturated with water and contain soap and a moisturizer. It also needed to include a dry towel. Because if you really think about it, after you shower, you dry off with a towel! It was from this line of thinking that inspired us to created “Paper Shower”. So remember, when you don’t have time to shower or have to freshen up when soap and water are not available…you need to join The Paper Shower Revolution!